Sunday, March 20, 2011

Independance Day - 20 March 2011

1. Plant something: Something should be planted this afternoon. We hung the planters and re-arranged the balcony a bit. I've got a sweet potato in water to grow slips - I really only need two or three, so too small of an amount to order. They'll be great though; sweet potato vines spilling out over the pots and around things. Lots of kitty hiding places, too.

2. Harvest something: nothing, but at least the planters are ready!

3. Preserved something: Soaked way too m any chickpeas, put about half in the freezer for later. Some went to a night's dinner, the rest will go into chickpea & carrot salad (new recipe!).

4. Waste not (preparations): All preparations right now are focused on "budget" and "use monthly meal plan." Why does no one ever mention that if you make a list of about 25-30 meals, and just choose off the list the night before, it works just as well as a more structured meal plan? You know, the kind that doesn't work in this house?

5. Want not (manage your stores): Switched the house over to "Summer." Changed out sheets, blankets, and clothes. Donated half a dozen tops I won't wear any more and gave myself a wonderful excuse to knit up some sweaters for myself for next winter =) Also, I'm happy to note that the new storage unit configuration is working well - I can still find and easily get to the things I need, without exhuming the entire unit. Much better!

6. Build community: ah the quiet....

7. Eat the food: Cooking was a bit better this week. I forgot to do my monthly meal planner and it has completely messed me up this month.

8. Crafting: The first part of the commission blanket is finished. While I wait for the rest of the yarn to come in, I'm working on my fingerless gloves and I've picked up yarn for another pair of projects, as well. Also, I'm making a point of spinning for a least a few minutes every night.


  1. Do you have a post where you explain more on the monthly meal planning? I've been having issues with my each day of the week one- hard to stick with it, and we never eat the amount I think we are on any one given night either... I cook and think we'll eat it all in that night + one leftover meal, then it hangs around for days! I like the sound of this and I'd love more info. :)

  2. There will be a post up very shortly. I tried to answer your questions in it; if I didn't, please let me know!
