
I will continue adding links as I discover the resources, so keep checking back. Enjoy!

For the Home

Dave Ramsey - About getting out of debt and taking control of your finances. I can see the difference that debt compared to the lack of it, has made in my finances over the year and I strongly recommend getting out of debt and staying there. The religion in the podcast isn't overbearing, either."Grandmother's financial advice, but we keep our teeth in!" he says.

Local Harvest - Buy direct from the farmer. Listings for farmers markets, farms, farm websites and more, searchable by area or product.

Listening to Katrina - Listening to Katrina is a record of one person's personal experience of hurricane Katrina, and a guide to help you prepare for emergencies and disasters of all kinds. 

Backwoods Home Magazine - Practical Ideas for Self-Sufficient Living 

mnmlist: About minimalism, why it's important; about how less is the answer. Very useful site, one of the few where I often go back and re-read the posts.

ZenHabits - the same author as mnmlist, with a bit more of a "how-to" bent to the articles.

FlyLady - because having the house stay clean on auto-pilot is wonderful! FlyLady will help you get the house to where that's possible.

Food & Farms

The Land Institute- (non-profit) "The Land Institute seeks to develop an agriculture that will save soil from being lost or poisoned while promoting a community life at once prosperous and enduring."

National Center for Home Food Preservation -  'How do I..?" for food storage: canning, freezing, drying and more.

Slow Food USA - USA site for international group. "Slow Food is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating. It is a global, grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment."

USA Slow Food Ark of Taste -  A catalog of delicious foods (recipes, plants, or animals) in danger of extinction.

Sustainable Table - celebrates local sustainable food, educates consumers on food-related issues and works to build community through food.

The Contrary Farmer - Gene Logsdon and friends. My favorite farmer and author. From the site: “Contrary farmers are those who have another job or career and look to their home pursuits as a form of enjoyment that at the same time provides good food and meaningful work. On many days a contrary farm requires nothing more than sitting at the breakfast table or reclining in a hammock while watching animals graze. And what the contrary farmer is learning, from the hammock, he or she may someday turn into a commercial farming venture.”

American Livestock Breeds Conservancy - a nonprofit membership organization working to protect over 180 breeds of livestock and poultry from extinction.

US Drought Monitor - link to the US Map.You can click your area for a closer look.


Surviving without a Salary - good for anyone without a steady income. I read the 2003 edition recently, and everything is still applicable.

Women's Medicine - PDF book sections - buy the book and get the rest!