I've just finished working my way through all the apples we picked. We got 20 pints unsweetened applesauce from the Fujis - they didn't need anything added to make delicious sauce! The Granny Smiths were used for dried apples slices and canned apple pie filling, plus apple crisp for desert a few nights. Dehydrating apples make the house smell
And even after all this time, I have 6 apples to keep for eating fresh. Yum.
Trying to peel the apple in one curl sounds like taking things to a small extreme. After peeling 30lbs of apples, I've noticed it actually makes a lot of sense - I'm less likely to cut myself, I loose less apple flesh with the peel, and the apple looks better when I'm done. Plus it's just fun to try!
Final results:3 apple piesdozen fresh apple snacks
18 pints Fuji applesauce, unsweetened
8 liters dried apple slices (estimate, might be 9)13 Qts. Apple Pie Filling4 Pts. Apple Pie Filling4 Qts. Apple Slices in medium syrup
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